Sometimes life is just crappy. Right? Not to quote Rachel Green, but lately things have been a little bit of “Isn’t that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic?!” At least in my world. Lots of feelings, lots of inner turmoil. I try like all heck to break out of my funk, but it’s following me around like the cloud of dirt that follows Pig-Pen.
Not that there’s one particularly awful thing that is happening. I’m just stuck here in a rut, and I’ve yet to find the exit to this here rut. You’d think by now there would be some sort of break in the clouds: beam of light, angels sing, birds fly, and cue better days. But nope. Just all….meh.
So let’s be real here. Life can’t always be rainbows and sunshine. Some days, things just suck. There’s nothing you can do. Sometimes you fight with your spouse, or hurt yourself in a way that hinders your abilities, or get into a fender bender or….this list could continue.
On those days, there’s just no silver lining in sight, and the rain just falls and the rainbow stays away. And that sucks. Days aren’t always great. Some days I surprise myself, other days I forget when I last washed my hair. But those days, those sucky, icky, rotten, good-for-nothing days…are okay. As utterly disruptive as they may be, it’s okay to not always be okay.
Look, monkey, you do not always need to dance. Life does not need to be a show where you hurt your cheeks from smiling so hard. Sometimes, it’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to feel all the feelings.
I suppose you can smile and laugh like it’s all okay if you want to. But if you want to cry or cuss or eat four to six donuts while listening to Adele, I will also co-sign on that for you. Whatever suits you.
And here’s why: He’s got you. On the worst day of your life or even on the worst day of your week, it is okay to not be okay because the Lord’s got your six. Life can be overwhelming. Like, chest tight, punch-the-checkout-lady overwhelming. But even when you slip up or you cuss and fight, He’s there. You push away; He pulls you back in to Him and says:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
He says that the world doesn’t have what you need. So just gather up your cares and put them in whatever is handy: a 5-gallon Ziploc, or maybe even a 25-gallon trash bag (Glad ForceFlex, of course). Take all that caca you’re carrying around and drop that off like a college kid drops off his clothes to his mama. Drop it off to Him, and He will sort it all out. Just maybe not the way you think. He might completely rearrange every single thing you think is right. But He’s got it, even if you don’t.
Reality Changing Observations:
1. On your worst days, how do you cope?
2. What kind of baggage are you carrying around that you could eliminate?
3. In what ways has God proven to you that your patience will pay off?