Individuals who choose a career in Environmental, Health & Safety, and Quality (EHSQ) functions in organizations around the world are people often called to help others or keep people safe. These are individuals who are largely selfless and do the work because of genuine compassion and empathy for others. This can often be attributed to a life-changing circumstance or other inspiration. A modern-day hero is here, and she or he works in EHSQ.
Jobs in EHSQ are not for the faint of heart or fame-seekers. EHSQ professionals usually go largely unnoticed within an organziation and are rarely recognized as a high-growth “important” part of the business.
EHSQ professionals aren’t often lauded or applauded for the work they do. More often EHSQ professionals exist in the background and are only noticed when there’s been an incident, emergency, or imminent danger. These are the people that lean in when it’s inconvenient or even dangerous.
As you get to really know an EHSQ professional, you realize that these men and women live to truly protect the welfare of others and the planet. They are the people that advocate for cleaner, healthier products and services driven by a passion to be stewards of the planet.
Reality Changing Observations:
1. Do you know anyone who is an environmental, health, safety, or quality professional?
2. Have you ever worked in a risky or hazardous work environment?
3. If you had the chance, would you do this type of work?