(Read the previous devotion here.)
“You that are Israelites, listen to what I have to say: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did through him among you, as you yourselves know—this man, handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of those outside the law. But God raised him up, having freed him from death, because it was impossible for him to be held in its power.”
Acts 2:22-24
When reading this passage, I immediately think about when this message was spoken. Peter is preaching on the day of Pentecost: a significant day that marks the beginning of the Christian Church. The Holy Spirit descended on the crowd and thousands of people listening to his words decided to become Christians. More strikingly, Jesus had recently been crucified only seven weeks prior.
Peter boldly states the reality of what has transpired a few weeks ago, which no one can deny. Jesus was a living human being, a man who had “deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did through him”; a man who was “handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of the God,” a man who was “crucified and killed.”
Then, Peter goes on to say something amazing, incredible, and inconceivable about Jesus or any living man: that “God raised him up” and “freed him from death because it was impossible for him to be held in its power.” Peter is telling the crowd that the Messiah was among them, and he is the only One who has power over death. Instead of blaming them, he is imploring the crowd by saying, “Do not miss this truth!”
Today, about two millennia have passed since Jesus’s life on Earth and his crucifixion. However, Peter’s words still resonate deeply. Remembering his message, I implore you: do not miss Jesus! He is alive and well, and He can live in your heart.
Dear Father, we thank you because you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. We believe that Jesus is your Son and he died for us. Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit, who ministers to our hearts. Amen.
Carolina Modenessy