Exercise Is Good for Your Mental Health, but Don’t Overdo It

According to Time author Jamie Ducharme: “Given the many benefits of exercise — ranging from physical fitness and chronic disease prevention to improved mood — it may seem logical that the more you do, the better. But a large new study suggests that’s not always the case, at least when it comes to mental health.”

She goes on to elaborate that, “On average, people reported 3.36 days of poor mental health per month. But those who said they exercised—through activities ranging from housework to running—experienced about 1.5 fewer gloomy days per month than sedentary peers, according to the research.”

Researchers elaborated that people who were moderately active (with sessions around 45 minutes, three to five times a week) experienced fewer of those gloomy days per month than either those who did not exercise at all or those who had marathon workout sessions more than five times a week. Their conclusion was that the optimum exercise regimen falls between two and six hours a week.

“And while just about any form of physical activity is good for your body and brain, the researchers found that certain types of exercise were associated with slightly more mental health benefits than others. Team sports led the pack with a 22.3% reduction in mental health burden, followed by cycling (21.6%) and aerobic/gym exercises (20.1%).”

Whatever the case, physical activity is great for your overall health. Just make sure that you don’t overdo it, or you may be depreciating your mental health.

Reality Changing Observations:

1. Do you exercise regularly?

2. Have you experienced the benefits of exercise on your mental health?

3. What story would you share about #MentalHealth?

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